Full Post List
Mar 16, 2025: Done Is Better Than Perfect The more I think about it, the more I realize this has been the problem over the last few months when it comes to making progress on a passion …
Mar 9, 2025: Been a busy week The last few times I have been asked, “How has your week been?”, I answered “Been a busy week.” A change from answering this question with “It’s been …
Mar 2, 2025: Too Many Options: JavaScript Ecosystem I have been building an API using Ruby on Rails for the last few months and have thoroughly enjoyed everything Ruby as a language and Rails as a …
Feb 23, 2025: Back to Basics I have been learning how to swim better in the ocean for the past three weeks. I love swimming, but I was never formally taught. I learned by watching …
Feb 16, 2025: Year of firsts In a string of firsts this year, I applied to be part of an innovation challenge run by the government. I have always liked how NSW Government in …
Feb 9, 2025: LLMs, AI and the Future I have had many discussions about this over the last few months. I’ve read both pro and anti-AI perspectives, but last night I had a thought that I …
Dec 15, 2024: Three Nine Birthdays seem to come by much quicker than before. Three nine. Another year closer to the next milestone birthday. I wondered if I would still be as …
Nov 3, 2024: 1% Better Every Day I remember seeing this message on one of my gym friends' t shirt a few months ago. It’s not the first time I saw this message—I had seen it countless …
Sep 21, 2024: Celebrating Software Progress, an editor I use to build software, released their Linux version a few months ago. I vividly recall seeing the announcement on Hacker News. …
Sep 7, 2024: My Travel Journey: Then vs. Now Growing up, everyone would tell me that I should stop traveling at the rate I was going. I would pack my bags and go traveling every month. These …
Jun 10, 2024: A Heartfelt Goodbye to Brightpod Last week, we made the difficult decision to shut down Brightpod. I was part of the team that created the software in 2012—twelve years ago. That’s …
Apr 21, 2024: Fun Run I’ve read about people eagerly participating in marathon events around the world. Every day, on my way back from the gym, I see people running on the …
Mar 23, 2024: Showing up everyday I read this blog post today The unreasonable effectiveness of just showing up everyday and I liked how the article started I shall write some code …
Feb 19, 2024: five years It’s been five years today since I moved to Australia. Five years since leaving friends and family behind to start an adventure which I thought would …
Jan 13, 2024: navigating tech choices I was recently asked to build a new web application. After having worked in the tech industry and constantly learning new tools and languages, being …
Dec 17, 2023: three eight Finally thirty-eight. I felt thirty-eight when I was a year younger, so it feels good to be the age I have been feeling all year. I am happy to be …
Oct 14, 2023: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie I remember handing in the permanent residence application for Australia on Feb 14, 2018. I remember telling a friend that day that my love for …
Sep 13, 2023: Embracing Change: Why I Like Slack's New UI When you don’t pay for the product, you are the product. Being a free user of Slack, I have come to accept random changes Slack makes to its UI. Paid …
Sep 10, 2023: not all days are the same I want to return to this post occasionally, so this post is a self-reminder post. Not all days are the same. Some days are good. Some days could be …
Aug 20, 2023: imposter syndrome It rarely goes away. Even after working in the industry for more than thirteen years, every time you try out something new and stumble, the feeling is …
Jul 10, 2023: will miss you my friend I have had this post in my draft folder for over five months. Each time I started to write this, I would cry and stop. But here it goes. I hope you …
Jul 9, 2023: writing documentation Unless you are starting a personal project, the first thing you should be doing is writing a document with your thoughts about the project. The more I …
Jul 2, 2023: when things don’t work Being part of the software industry for over fifteen years now, I understand that expecting your favourite software/hardware to be available 100% of …
Jun 24, 2023: thank you internet I should make this a regular post on my blog where I thank the internet and everyone who contributes to keeping things runnings. Thank you to everyone …
Jun 6, 2023: What an interesting moment. We’re staring at two distinctly different visions of the future. They may co-exist, but they are radically different …
Jun 6, 2023: wwdc Watching WWDC with a few friends is a yearly tradition. From watching it in person in Mumbai to now having conversations on iMessage about the latest …
Jun 4, 2023: software bug that made me cry Over the last 10-plus years, I have been responsible for and fixed many bugs in the software I have helped build. Bugs are never intentional. They are …
May 27, 2023: Social Interactions and Bias After a fascinating meeting this morning, I could not help but think about different tones/ways of interacting with people most of us have. For …
May 26, 2023: we crashed we crashed has been on my watch list since the first time I heard about the tv show. Being down with cold and cough the whole week, I have been …
May 25, 2023: bookmarking is hard I enjoy visiting new websites. Twitter, Reddit, and Blog posts have supplied me with websites I can visit. I come across new tools, software, design, …
May 24, 2023: Updating my resume I want to get back to writing here, but other things on the list always take priority over writing here. I spoke to my sister yesterday, and she asked …
Feb 12, 2023: scratch that itch You can plan all you want. You can fill out excel sheets or any other accounting software to budget your finances, but nothing can prepare you for …
Feb 5, 2023: (draft) There has been one post in my draft folder for six years now. The day I had the thought was the day I wrote the blog post. The post itself only makes …
Jan 3, 2023: three seven “we’re all alone. that’s why we have friends and family. so that loneliness is easier to take” Modified quote from Mr. Mercedes There have been …
Dec 4, 2022: senior engineer I have never been into titles. I know why they exist, but I have never actively chased them. But on the other hand, I have seen people chase titles, …
Nov 20, 2022: micropayments For $25 you can buy a content passport. It’s available for purchase on any website that is part of the content network, and you need one to read the …
Nov 13, 2022: twitter This week has been fun in the Twitterverse, with Elon Musk now taking charge at Twitter. He fired many people, and a few who worked for Twitter quit, …
Oct 30, 2022: learning never stops. I never want to stop learning. Computers have always interested me since I first used them in 8th grade, from learning that computers talk in binary to learning DOS, Windows 3.1, …
Oct 23, 2022: measure twice. cut once I am not sure why this title was the first thing I thought about when I started writing about software testing. I have been working on making tweaks …
Oct 16, 2022: moonlighting This topic has been on my mind for a few weeks. It was either Wipro or TCS who first spoke up about this. A quick google led me to this article. TCS …
Oct 9, 2022: road trips I just returned from a road trip, and if someone asked me what the best way to travel around is, I would say rent a car and drive around. Road trips …
Oct 8, 2022: imposter syndrome A friend and I spoke at length about this feeling of being an imposter this week. We both have been in this industry for too long, yet we feel like …
Sep 26, 2022: conversations which go everywhere Those have been my favourite type of conversations. First, you start chatting about how the day went and, by the end of the conversation, are talking …
Sep 24, 2022: I miss writing I miss writing. I do. I keep saying this to myself, yet I don’t tend to take any action toward fixing it. I have been listening to a lot of podcasts …
Jun 11, 2022: last I checked Last I checked, it was January. Last I checked, I was curious. Last I checked, I had plans for things I wanted to do in 2022. Last I checked, I wanted …
Dec 28, 2021: three six Wow! The counter does tick at a faster pace after thirty. I was going through my Timehop memories two days ago, and it reminded me of my trip to New …
Nov 27, 2021: a month long hiatus I did not want to miss writing here, yet here I am after a month-long hiatus of not writing any posts. So it’s good to be back. Where have I been? …
Oct 24, 2021: apply Even if you don’t check all the boxes in the role requirement. Not many who apply for the role check all the boxes. When I learn of any software …
Oct 17, 2021: remote teams Remote friendly is almost a requirement if you are looking to hire these days. I am all for remote first / remote-friendly companies. If your work …
Oct 16, 2021: security is a requirement If your work involves running or being part of a software business, keeping it secure is almost a full-time job. However, if you don’t have someone …
Oct 10, 2021: a wall full of posters wake up in the morning, walk to the beach and swim in the ocean. hear sound of waves crashing from home not just the few hours that you at the beach. …
Oct 9, 2021: change is difficult. is good. is constant. is sometimes needed. can sometimes be not what you want at this moment. is sudden sometimes. begins at the end of …
Oct 3, 2021: write things down I used to document things a lot better before. I loved spending time writing down what went behind creating something. The though process. The …
Oct 2, 2021: developer preferences I read this post yesterday, Are software engineering “best practices” just developer preferences? and immediately shared it with my work colleagues …
Sep 26, 2021: nothing matters I had this discussion with a friend a few months ago. On a sunny weekend, when life was not restricted to the 5 KM radius as it has been since the …
Sep 25, 2021: the right gear I bought a road bike a month ago. Before buying the road bike, I told myself I would take it out once or a week to keep myself physically active. I …
Sep 19, 2021: be nice or give feedback I wrote a few paragraphs “about me” last week. After I finished writing what I thought was the best edit I could make to the written content, I sent …
Sep 18, 2021: defaults matters As I decided to write about this topic, my mind told me that I had written about this before. As I searched through the archive, it looked like I did …
Sep 12, 2021: write more or write less I have wanted to write long-form content here. So this last week I was looking for topics, I could write about. I have been relatively consistent with …
Sep 11, 2021: fifteen plus years at a company A friend recently finished working for more than fifteen years at the company he works. He is still there. He enjoys his work and does great work at …
Sep 5, 2021: we all have twenty four hours What did I do yesterday? Yesterday felt like a blur. When I started to think about everything I have done in the last ten weeks, I don’t remember most …
Sep 4, 2021: live takes practice I remember recording my first podcast episode last year. I re-recorded at least ten times. I knew you could edit podcasts, but I did not know how to. …
Aug 29, 2021: Do Less You don’t have to take action on every idea. You can make a decision without knowing every last detail and option. It’s okay if you don’t finish …
Aug 28, 2021: lists Until a certain number of items, lists are helpful. Are you launching something new or moving something from one place to another? Create a list. It …
Aug 22, 2021: why learn a new programming language? a friend asked me this yesterday. “why are you learning a new programming language?” I had to stop and think about this for a while. I have been …
Aug 22, 2021: What caused me to leave Facebook was a conversation I had with a friend in real life. I don’t remember which friend it was, but it was someone I’d …
Aug 21, 2021: code shamed If your profession or passion involves writing code, this thought has entered your mind sometimes or the other as you shared the code you wrote with …
Aug 15, 2021: measure How many blog posts did you publish this week? How many steps did you walk today or this week? How many times did you exercise today or go biking? How …
Aug 14, 2021: episode 3 Maybe these don’t need to be episodes. We never thought about the podcast having a season, yet we addressed the first two recordings as episode 1 and …
Aug 8, 2021: scary I sent this word to a friend twice yesterday as I saw a video he had sent. The video was of a person refusing to get out of Uber car when instructed …
Aug 7, 2021: habits I have been reading Atomic Habits for a few weeks now. If you are deciding on which book to pick up next to read, I would recommend reading this one. …
Aug 1, 2021: its good to vent - 2 A follow-up post what I wrote yesterday. When I started writing down my thoughts yesterday, somehow, the topic drifted from me venting towards …
Jul 31, 2021: its good to vent I came across this thread on Reddit this week. “Four more weeks. Fuck positivity, I’m starting a negativity thread”. If you are on Reddit and have …
Jul 25, 2021: developer ecosystem I was reading through The State of Developer Ecosystem 2021 yesterday. If you are a software developer, I would recommend reading through the report. …
Jul 24, 2021: tribes I had almost two hours of discussion yesterday about tribe and its importance. I remember reading this book by Seth Godin named “Tribes” in 2009. …
Jul 18, 2021: breakups Breakups are hard. Having been through a few now, I only understand a few things of what it takes to get over one. I hope no one has to go through …
Jul 17, 2021: a routine? Do you have a routine? The first thing you do after you wake up? Is it different on weekends vs weekdays, or is it always the same? Does this routine …
Jul 11, 2021: well thought out software You can build software really quickly. Building well thought out, robust, well tested, performant, scalable, accessible software? That takes a …
Jul 10, 2021: the best thing that happened to you this week Before I went to get my coffee today, I was thinking about what to write about here. I must have mentioned this before, but writing early morning on …
Jul 4, 2021: dont build to launch I had this talk for the second time this week. A friend wanted to build a learning management system to host videos/courses they have been working on …
Jul 3, 2021: left behind When I was living in New Zealand, one of my flatmates wrote about the experience and thoughts of people who were still working at the company after …
Jun 27, 2021: episode 2 Sanat and I clicked the “Record” button and started talking about things we had in mind. “Remuneration” is what we had in mind last weekend. I have …
Jun 26, 2021: a week at home I have been busy the last few months. NSW, Australia, the state I live in, has been blessed to have had no community cases the last few months. So …
Jun 20, 2021: gamer gate A colleague recently spoke about how she enjoys spending hours together playing games. Most of these games are multiplayer and online. Random …
Jun 19, 2021: integration test email #1 HBO Max yesterday got a lot of attention on social media yesterday after they sent out an email to a lot of their customers. Internet was quick to …
Jun 13, 2021: podcasting I have been wanting to get back at recording the podcast I started last year during the lockdown. After the first four episodes, I lost motivation to …
Jun 12, 2021: hidden features If you use software long enough, you will see it evolve. There are changes made to the design, performance and features the software has to offer. …
Jun 6, 2021: not good enough I woke up with this thought yesterday morning. I have been doing a good enough job in one of my roles at work. I have been trying to do my best, but I …
May 29, 2021: broke the streak I wanted to keep my writing streak going and not have a break this year. Get up early on Saturday and Sunday, get my coffee and write the post. I had …
May 16, 2021: cryptocurrency If you have been on Twitter a whole lot or have been following the news, you must have heard of cryptocurrency the last few weeks. Elon Musk and Tesla …
May 9, 2021: not complicated. simple web development, from what I read online, has become incredibly complicated. We have more compiler tools, more javascript frameworks, more build …
May 8, 2021: new beginnings Two of my friends are getting married today to each other. A company that I love and closely work with launched their new fund yesterday. If you live …
May 3, 2021: fun. not all the time. If you have been around me and I am comfortable being around you, at some point or the other, I must have made fun of the situation around and had to …
May 3, 2021: create an imperfect world and then improve it John Swartzwelder, Sage of “The Simpsons
May 3, 2021: rigid “would things be different when you meet your friends and family after a long gap?” I had thought about this question as we got out from lockdown last …
Apr 26, 2021: what if A recent tv show on Netflix has me hooked. what/if. It’s not the best show I have watched, but it does make for a good watch. I am still on episode 3 …
Apr 24, 2021: in the air I have been thinking about the moment for more than a year now. Being able to travel again internationally and being able to travel without the need …
Apr 18, 2021: something new A new language. Spanish or French? A new programming language. Go or Java? A new javascript framework. Ember or Vue? A new cuisine. Japanese or Middle …
Apr 17, 2021: Programming Books Travelling an hour and a half to reach the nearest computer bookshop is one of my earliest memories of getting started with PHP. After the first visit …
Apr 11, 2021: focus zone I remember trying out driving range at a golf course a few years ago. I remember only that. I don’t know anything else from that experience. I tried …
Apr 5, 2021: when things go wrong I got a message today thanking me for keeping the web servers running well the last few months. Being thanked for keeping the system up and running …
Apr 4, 2021: no internet I did not know what being anxious meant till I travelled to Andaman and Nicobar islands a few years ago. Most of the island has very little network …
Mar 28, 2021: the boat is stuck Sanat sent me this blog post two days ago and said, I should use this as inspiration for one of my blog posts. It’s bad that the boat is stuck. It’s …
Mar 27, 2021: more individual micro blogs Ideas improve when they build slowly. This constant quest for virality might make good ideas burn 10x as bright, but also 10x as short. Everything …
Mar 22, 2021: Make that But if your music, your graphic design, your website–whatever your work is–isn’t resonating with the market, it might be because you forgot to make …
Mar 21, 2021: the next five years If you have been part of an interview, this has to be a question that you have been asked. I remember the first time I was asked this question, and I …
Mar 19, 2021: the reason why One of the things you will have to deal with when working on the web application is dealing with software downtime. It somehow just happens and in …
Mar 14, 2021: love for maintaining software I am sure I have written about this before. I must have. After this post, I will write about the same topic again, probably mentioning the exact …
Mar 13, 2021: chance to learn something new If you have been working on a product for too long as part of a small startup, maintaining the software means that you are not keeping up with the …
Mar 9, 2021: none of your business None of your business I was reading through this page today and was quite impressed with how well the page is written. I have never read through a …
Mar 7, 2021: the unpopulars jQuery last week released an update to their framework—v3.6.0 with a few changes. I have not been following up on jQuery’s update for a while now. I …
Mar 6, 2021: not everyone wants to work from home I would think everyone would want to. You save on travel time and get those extra few hours to exercise, spend more time with friends and family, and …
Mar 4, 2021: money isn't everything Someone I know recently said these words to me, and I have been thinking about it for two days. Growing up, everyone around spoke about how much money …
Mar 2, 2021: user friendly I have been reading this book User Friendly How the Hidden Rules of Design are Changing the Way We Live, Work & Play the last few days. Something …
Feb 28, 2021: base project template I remember reading about it in one of the tweets a while ago. Having a base project template is quite handy at times. How often would you like to have …
Feb 27, 2021: if not this, then what? I am sure you have been asked this question. If you have not been asked, I am sure it’s a question you have thought about at some point in time. I was …
Feb 25, 2021: cheat meal “Cheat day”. “This is my cheat meal”. I have heard these words more times in the last five years than the previous 20 years combined. I heard it a few …
Feb 23, 2021: one more thing to learn The goal was simple. I wanted to spin up a few servers, a database, a Redis server, an elasticsearch server, and to make it so that it’s easier to …
Feb 21, 2021: taking care of your health? Are you? Are you taking care of your health? I remember being asked his question multiple times in the last few years. My reply would usually vary …
Feb 20, 2021: are you learning? Are you learning each day when you are at work? Maybe not every day, but getting to work with that particular organisation is a good thing for your …
Feb 17, 2021: sleep I remember Jason Fried from Basecamp writing and tweeting a whole lot about the importance of sleep. It was the opposite advice to what everyone else …
Feb 16, 2021: Why You Shouldn't Build a Mobile App Whenever I have to come up with an example of a cheap app that performs poorly, feels clunky, and frustrates the user every time they use it, one …
Feb 15, 2021: If you build backend programmer and I can get you to read one article today, let it be this one: Reasons why SELECT * is bad for SQL performance
Feb 15, 2021: terraform I spent all of yesterday learning terraform. As much as I like PaaS products, all of them have that one missing feature which takes them out of the …
Feb 13, 2021: intel evo It’s been a long time since I read about Intel processors. I remember being obsessed with Intel and always being up to date with the progress they …
Feb 12, 2021: good apps developed in India Had a great conversation with a few friends today about how the Indian government was pushing for “Make in India” to have Indians use more of apps …
Feb 11, 2021: cryptocurrency Money market investment has never been an area of interest to me. I understood the stock market well. I wanted to invest in companies and the people …
Feb 11, 2021: teeth care I sent this message to a few close friends two days ago. I was today years old when I tried flossing for the first time. My first visit to the …
Feb 9, 2021: planning well before starting I remember having this discussion when initially building the last software project. We would start thinking about tasks to make the project and add …
Feb 7, 2021: hard to ignore You were once popular and had a lot of people wanting to keep up. Every new version you released, every blog post about the improvements you made to …
Feb 6, 2021: something better You have been thinking about it in the back of your mind. the current thing you are working on, doing, trying out is just not bringing as much joy as …
Feb 4, 2021: deep work I remember reading parts of this book a few years back. My takeaway from the book was to have dedicated time allocated to get a demanding task done or …
Feb 2, 2021: clubhouse I have been hearing about clubhouse since a month now. Not having an invite meant that I could install the app but could do nothing else. I am not …
Feb 1, 2021: missing home It is sometimes the smallest of things. Seeing my niece dance on WhatsApp while we have our weekly catchup calls and sometimes a casual conversation …
Jan 31, 2021: there is always competition A new cafe opened its door where I currently live. There are already three cafes in the same street, and with the fourth cafe joining the list, people …
Jan 30, 2021: make the first experience memorable I enjoy trying out new apps on the web and the iPhone. As a developer, I am quite eager to see new apps, their design, user experience, and features …
Jan 28, 2021: no one got fired for choosing react I Almost Got Fired for Choosing React in Our Enterprise App I just realized that React is not Java or .NET developer-friendly. Angular would have …
Jan 26, 2021: learning something new I have been smiling ear to ear since yesterday evening. The reason? I can finally swim on my back. 🎉 I never took swimming lessons till two weeks ago. …
Jan 24, 2021: Feels great to recieve a post card in todays day and age. Thanks Mayur.
Jan 24, 2021: avoid SQL joins I was a regular user of JOINs in SQL until I heard a podcast where the podcast people were discussing why SQL JOINs were not a good idea. I had never …
Jan 23, 2021: whats up I was chatting with a good friend today ( Hi Ram 👋), and he asked me what I was up to in life. I would usually reply with many updates on whatsapp. …
Jan 21, 2021: work from home Most of us were forced to work from home last year. Very few had the opportunity to ease into this new way of working. If you worked from the office …
Jan 19, 2021: regular improvements Software architecture decisions need to be reviewed from time to time. As your customer base increases and as the data you handle grows, it’s a good …
Jan 18, 2021: performance monitoring Besides building software and usability engineering aspects of computer science if I had to pick another segment I enjoyed spending time on, …
Jan 17, 2021: signal As of today signal has been down for more than a day. New users signing up to use your service is always exciting. A product you have been building …
Jan 16, 2021: hardly training I have been quite regular with my gym visits for the last five months. I don’t remember the last time I so regular with my exercise routine. It’s a …
Jan 14, 2021: code quality There is so much to write and talk about when it comes to code quality. If there was one topic I could go on and on about it has to be this. Maybe …
Jan 13, 2021: long time listener first time caller I first heard someone says “long time listener first time caller” some six years ago in a podcast I was listening to on 5by5 network. These words …
Jan 12, 2021: comfortable with not knowing Not knowing something before walking into a meeting would scare me. I remember being terrified of such days where I would have to give a speech—not …
Jan 11, 2021: Rich Dad Poor Dad I spent two hours yesterday playing this game Cashflow Classic with a few friends. Rich Dad Poor Dad is a 1997 book written by Robert Kiyosaki and …
Jan 10, 2021: Async software development Instead of having meetings, people “talk” to each other via GitHub, Notion, and (occasionally) Slack, expecting responses within 24 hours. Because …
Jan 9, 2021: Tried bouldering for the first time two months ago and was back for round two a few weeks ago. Planning your steps, trying out various levels was good …
Jan 9, 2021: camera shy I have never been in front of a professional video camera setup before. I have been part of various zoom and WhatsApp calls, but none was going to be …
Jan 8, 2021: learning rails I have been programming using PHP for more than a decade now. It was the first programming language I learnt, and I have continued to build most of …
Jan 7, 2021: You ask, “Are you bored?” You ask, “Are you bored?” Even if you don’t have a gut feeling, it’s a good question to randomly ask your team. When I ask, I look you straight in …
Jan 6, 2021: write more often I should make good on the part of my things to be better at this year “Write/share more often here.” I was reading yesterday and …
Jan 3, 2021: Apple M1 I have not missed an Apple Event about hardware releases for the last five years. I know I will not purchase the hardware released for most years, but …
Dec 30, 2020: New Ideas are always exciting 🙌🏻
Dec 25, 2020: three five I thought I was running late to publish the birthday post I looked forward to writing each year, but scrolling through the feed looks like I am 10 …
Nov 15, 2020: Soft Skills I often think soft skills don’t get talked about a whole lot. Was thinking about this last week and noticed this twitter thread. soft skills I’d tell …
Nov 8, 2020: Constant Improvement “We need to have this feature shipped next week”, “we got to add this feature the competition has, or our customers will not use our software”. I have …
Nov 1, 2020: Native apps Sketch published this blog post a few days ago. Why we’re proud to build a truly native Mac app. I went through Twitter that day and there was a lot …
Oct 24, 2020: Daily commute My daily commute now includes 1 hour 20 mins train ride. 40 mins each way. In Mumbai, India, I would hardly get space to get in and stand. Now, here …
Oct 5, 2020: Job you want two jobs from now My engineering manager James, asked me this question last week “What job would you want to do two jobs from now”. I was thinking about this a lot last …
Aug 30, 2020: More weekends like this too. Coffee, burger and writing code.
Aug 23, 2020: Software pricing I have always thought what would make a really good pricing model for software, and after reading through Cabel’s post on Panic’s Dev Issues board, I …
Aug 16, 2020: I miss blogging and podcasting Not many people read this blog. I don’t write that often either. I should. I enjoy the process of putting my thoughts down. A few weeks ago, someone …
May 2, 2020: It's ok... I wish all companies followed this advice. Sadly I hear that not many do. “Clearleft working from home recommendations.”
Apr 14, 2020: Best Code is No Code At All I heard these words today. “Best Code is No Code At All” and I could not agree more. I had more thoughts to share about best code being no code at …
Mar 22, 2020: Working remotely COVID-19 is affecting almost everyone. A quick look at the stats here and the number of cases around the world are on a constant rise. The pandemic …
Mar 21, 2020: Current work from home setup Macbook Pro 13 inch - 2017 - without Touch Bar - with crappy keyboard Keychron K2 Wireless Keyboard Magic Trackpad 2 - Silver M2 Stand - Silver BenQ …
Jan 27, 2020: Less sugar [Make 2020 the Year of Less Sugar] ( was one of the few articles I read at the …
Jan 12, 2020: I’M NOT CRYING! YOU’RE CRYING! Found this really well made video here.
Jan 5, 2020: Episode 1 I have been thinking about recording a podcast for almost a year now. Jan 2nd, I finally decided this year I am going to give it a shot. Here we go: …
Jan 4, 2020: Github Actions Following up on my previous post about Infrastructure as Code (IaC), I have been working with Github Actions the last few days, and I am excited about …
Jan 3, 2020: Infrastructure as Code The last few months, I have had good discussions with a colleague at work about how infrastructure as code is the future of how we set up servers and …
Jan 3, 2020: Three Four I read this meme yesterday describing 2019. The first half of 2019 and the second half of 2019 felt like two different years, and I could not agree …
Jun 14, 2019: Vietnam - Want to travel for three weeks? Want to travel across Vietnam for three weeks? I remember these words from my conversation with Mayur a few months ago. I had just heard about my …
May 22, 2019: It doesn’t have to be forever And there’s the forever of never. The dominant narrative of society is that you’re stuck with what you’ve got. Stuck in your status role, stuck in …
Apr 29, 2019: VS Code I have been a long time TextMate user. TextMate was the first app I installed when I bought my first Mac. All software written thereafter was written …
Mar 4, 2019: Mardi Gras - Sydney 2019
Mar 1, 2019: Week One 🇦🇺 How has your first week been in Australia? One of my close friends asked me this yesterday. He asked me to email details about week 1. I decided to …
Feb 18, 2019: New beginnings As I write this, I am waiting for my connecting flight from Hong Kong to Sydney. Somehow choosing a 14-hour layover felt like a good idea when booking …
Jan 29, 2019: When you love your work, the rest is easy.
Jan 27, 2019: Change Almost at the end of the first month and 2019 promises to hold a lot of change in store. One of my closest friends moved to another state today. …
Dec 28, 2018: Almost feels like phi phi islands has an “need to have visible abs” requirement to get in but me and my friend managed to sneak in during the security …
Dec 15, 2018: Three Three I remember being sad when I turned thirty. I was not looking forward to turning thirty, but having spent the last two years in my thirties, I must say …
Dec 8, 2018: Working on my next blog post since 4 days now. Hoping to post it this weekend.
Nov 3, 2018: The new iPad Pro looks so so good. Can definetly see myself using one in future. Now I wonder what the new Mac Pro would look like next year.
Sep 1, 2018: LetsEncrypt + Cloudflare Certificate Renewal I spent a lot of time today trying to renew a SSL certificate which used LetsEncrypt. The command as per LetsEncrypt documentation to renew SSL …