The new iPad Pro looks so so good. Can definetly see myself using one in future. Now I wonder what the new Mac Pro would look like next year.
LetsEncrypt + Cloudflare Certificate Renewal
I spent a lot of time today trying to renew a SSL certificate which used LetsEncrypt.
The command as per LetsEncrypt documentation to renew SSL certificate is simple.
certbot renew
Running this command though, returned this error. unexpected error: Failed authorization procedure. {{DOMAIN} (tls-sni-01): urn:acme:error:unauthorized :: The client lacks sufficient authorization
I tried a few other methods to renew the certificate, but they all failed.
The solution which worked:
service apache2 stop
certbot certonly (double dash)manual -d {{DOMAIN}} (double dash)preferred-challenges=“dns”
Certbot will suggest a TXT record to add to DNS. Add the suggested TXT record in Cloudflare DNS and back on the server, press Enter to continue.
Certificate is renewed.
service apache2 start
Server: Ubuntu 16.04. Software: Apache